I consider myself a family herbalist and as such I am evolving as my family and friends request herbal remedies. This summer, my garden over-flowed with beautiful blue vervain. While harvesting her leaf and flower I am enticed to make a lovely rest and digest tea blend.
The blend consists of equal parts of the following herbs and infused in hot water for 10 minutes:
Blue Vervain
Lemon Verbena
Blue Vervain, classified as a nervine, is an herb that is nourishing and supportive to the nervous system. As a bitter it helps our bodies relax to enhance digestion.
Peppermint is an excellent carminative, having a relaxing effect on the muscles of the digestive system.
Lemon Verbena adds a lovely lemony summer fragrance, and in addition to aiding digestion, improves rest and anxiety.
This blend is perfect to drink after meals or before bedtime. I use this tea any time I feel the need to relax. I usually have a cup of tea at the end of my day after everyone has eaten. Then it’s my time to sit down, relax, and unwind—at times I’ve been known to fall asleep!
I hope you enjoy the blend!
-Fran, Herbalist, L.I. NY